
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Update and News

I have a quick post today with a few updates about what's happening with me.
Remember how I made it past the first round of the Spellbinders Design Team call? Well, unfortunately I didn't make it past the second round. My assignment was to create a 12x12 scrapbook layout. I have done minimal scrapbooking thus passion is card making, but I REALLY want to get going on some albums because I have tons of pictures from 3 vacations that just need to be scrapped!
It just seems to be an overwhelming project, so I'm avoiding it :)
But after you read my next piece of news, maybe now is the time to do it!?!

After several months of waiting and wondering the fate of the company I work for, it has resulted in unemployment for me and several dear co-workers. A new agency was chosen to take over the account that I worked on, resulting in absolutely no other work for me and several others. Ironically, this also happened with my last job, almost exactly two years ago! It's been quite an emotionally and mentally exhausting few months, but I'm glad all the waiting and drama is over! I believe everything happens for a reason (although sometimes it's hard to understand WHY), and I truly believe there are better things to come! I'll be sure to update again if anything changes with my employment status. 
In the meantime, you just might see me posting creations more often!
Have a great rest of your week!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the unemployment. Wishing you all the luck in finding another position. It's hard I know. I've been unemployed for 1-1/2 years now. I'm up near Gurnee and can only commute an hr away because of my daughter. Being in the city you'll probably have better prospects. Good LUCK!


I'm so glad you came to visit me! I would love to hear your thoughts on my creations. It just makes my day! :)